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Cover Reveal For The Trade Paperback Edition of The Trail of Lost Hearts!

  • September 9, 2024


Hello, everyone!

Welcome to fall, AKA my favorite season. I hope you’re full of plans for the “ber” months–I know I am! It’s non-stop pumpkin spice, fall candles, and cozy sweaters starting now despite this week’s forecast of summer-like temps (mid-80s. Ugh).

One of my other favorite things is revealing the trade paperback covers for my titles. I will never tire of seeing the modifications to the cover image for the different editions of the book, and the art department at St. Martin’s Press never misses. I am thrilled to reveal the trade paperback cover for The Trail of Lost Hearts! I love the muted watercolor tones and the outdoorsy vibe is so Marshall and Wren! Isn’t it gorgeous?



Highlights from the spring release of the hardcover edition include receiving the best Publisher’s Weekly review I’ve ever received for one of my titles and being selected by the Pie Lady for one of her beautiful book cover creations. Isn’t it stunning? Her talent is amazing and I am truly honored.



I was able to meet so many readers during the tour events for The Trail of Lost Hearts. Trust me when I say that nothing brings a smile to an author’s face more than seeing your smiling faces in the crowd. Please accept my heartfelt thanks if you attended one of my signings. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know!



Last but not least, if you’re someone who likes owning multiple editions of the same book, or if trade paperbacks are your preferred choice, click HERE for purchase links. Thank you for your continued support!










Cover Reveal and Pre-order Links for The Trail of Lost Hearts!

  • June 16, 2023


Hello, everyone! TGIF!
Announcing a new book never gets old, and I’m thrilled to share that my next release, The Trail of Lost Hearts, will be published in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook by St. Martin’s Press and will be available online and in your favorite bookstores on March 26, 2024.
New York Times bestselling author Tracey Garvis Graves takes readers on a life-affirming journey where two lost souls find the unexpected courage to love again.
Thirty-four-year-old Wren Waters believes that if you pay attention, the universe will send you exactly what you need. But her worldview shatters when the universe delivers two life-altering blows she didn’t see coming, and all she wants to do is put the whole heartbreaking mess behind her. No one is more surprised than Wren when she discovers that geocaching—the outdoor activity of using GPS to look for hidden objects—is the only thing getting her out of bed and out of her head. She decides that a weeklong solo quest geocaching in Oregon is exactly what she needs to take back control of her life.

Enter Marshall Hendricks, a psychologist searching for distraction as he struggles with a life-altering blow of his own. Though Wren initially rebuffs Marshall’s attempt at hiker small talk, she’s beyond grateful when he rescues her from a horrifying encounter farther down the trail. In the interest of safety, Marshall suggests partnering up to look for additional caches. Wren’s no longer quite so trusting of the universe—or men in general—but her inner circle might argue that a smart, charismatic psychologist isn’t the worst thing the universe could place in her path.

What begins as a platonic road trip gradually blossoms into something deeper, and the more Wren learns about Marshall, the more she wants to know. Now all she can do is hope that the universe gets it right this time.

One of my favorite early reviews for The Trail of Lost Hearts mentions that the landscape was their favorite supporting character, and I love that so much. I began writing this book in the fall of ’21 and completed my final revisions in the fall of ’22. I’ve mentioned many times on my social media accounts that fall is my favorite season, and describing the fall foliage that Marshall and Wren encountered as they trekked the trails of Oregon made me feel like I was there as I watched the leaves change color from my living room windows. I can’t wait for you to experience it for yourselves. Marshall and Wren are such easy characters to connect with and cheer for.

Pre-orders help authors immensely, and I would appreciate it so much if you purchased your copy today. To pre-order, please click here.

To add The Trail of Lost Hearts to your Goodreads shelf, please click here. And please click here to sign up for my newsletter if you’re not already subscribed. I only send them out when I have news to share, and you can unsubscribe at any time. I will be sending a newsletter next Friday, June 23rd, and 2 subscribers will be randomly chosen to receive a physical ARC of The Trail of Lost Hearts. ARCs will be sent to the winners in July.

As always, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm! I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.


Heard It in a Love Song Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Links!

  • January 15, 2021

Hello, everyone!

How much do I love cover reveals? So, so, so much! I’m incredibly excited to share the gorgeous cover of Heard It in a Love Song with you today. I literally gasped when I received the cover image, and then I just stared at it for a while. I think it’s breathtakingly gorgeous and I was wrong when I said that nothing would ever top the cover for The Girl He Used to Know. The book will be released on November 2nd, 2021. I know that seems like a long time away, but I promise it will go fast! Make sure to follow me on all my social media channels because I will be giving away signed ARCs every month from now until the release.

So, what is this book about? Here’s the blurb:


Love doesn’t always wait until you’re ready.

Layla Hilding is thirty-five and recently divorced. Struggling to break free from the past—her glory days as the lead singer in a band and a ten-year marriage to a man who never put her first—Layla’s newly found independence feels a lot like loneliness.

Then there’s Josh, the single dad whose daughter attends the elementary school where Layla teaches music. Recently separated, he’s still processing the end of his twenty-year marriage to his high school sweetheart. He chats with Layla every morning at school and finds himself thinking about her more and more.

Equally cautious and confused about dating in a world that favors apps over meeting organically, Layla and Josh decide to be friends with the potential for something more. Sounds sensible and way too simple—but when two people are on the rebound, is it heartbreak or happiness that’s a love song away?


I was asked during a recent book club Zoom meeting how similar this book was to The Girl He Used to Know which sparked the kind of discussion I love. I replied that all of my books are different but also similar in that they adhere to my tagline of ‘contemporary fiction with a happily-ever-after.’ However, plotwise this book is quite different. In The Girl He Used to Know, we had two main characters who had a history together and were giving their relationship another try. I find second chance love stories fascinating because they require both characters to grow and change and compromise and find their happily-ever-after together, despite what occurred in their past that led to their breakup. Using a dual timeline allowed me to show the reader both periods of time so they could see for themselves how the characters had changed.

In Heard It in a Love Song, I once again used a dual timeline. But this time, I showed the separate pasts of the main characters (who are both recently divorced) so that readers could see what had gone wrong in their marriages and how this might affect them as they brought their history into a new relationship in the present. I wanted to write a relatable friends-to-lovers story that would resonate with anyone who’s ever found themselves on the other side of a breakup and wondered, now what?


Here are the pre-order links:




Books A Million





Google Play

Book Depository


Barnes & Noble 

Please click here to add Heard It in a Love Song to your Goodreads shelf. And please click here to sign up for my newsletter. Next month, I’m giving one lucky subscriber the entire signed library of my books, including a physical ARC of Heard It in a Love Song. The giveaway is open to everyone – US and International.

Thanks, everyone! I’m so excited to share this book with you.








White-Hot Hack

  • December 7, 2015

WHH Amazon

Good morning!

I’m so excited to show you the cover of White-Hot Hack, the full-length dual narrated sequel to Heart-Shaped Hack. I loved the first cover so much, and I was thrilled when I found out there was another heart available by the same artist. I can’t wait to see the books side by side; they’re going to make such a pretty set.

I don’t have the publication date yet, but I hope to share that information (along with the blurb) by the end of February. Pre-order links should go up then as well.

Click on the link to add White-Hot Hack to your Goodreads shelves ——>

Please join me for the Kate and Ian series chat scheduled for this Sunday, December 13th from 11:00-12:00 CST. ——>

If you have not read Heart-Shaped Hack yet, here are the links where you can grab it.

Apple iBooks

Also, you can purchase signed copies of all my books on my website. They make great Christmas gifts! Here’s the link——>

I can’t wait to share more of Kate and Ian’s story with you!

Heart-Shaped Hack Cover Reveal

  • May 8, 2015

Good morning!

I’m so excited to show you the cover of my forthcoming adult contemporary romance novel. I think this one might be my all-time favorite. It’s so pretty!

Here’s the blurb:

When Kate Watts abandoned her law career to open a food pantry in Northeast Minneapolis, she never dreamed it would be this difficult. Facing the heartbreaking prospect of turning hungry people away, she is grateful for the anonymous donations that begin appearing at the end of each month. Determined to identify and thank her secret benefactor, she launches a plan and catches Ian—a charismatic hacker with a Robin Hood complex—in the act.

Ian intrigues Kate in a way no man ever has. But after learning he’s snooped around on her personal computer, she demands retribution. Impressed with her tolerance and captivated by her spirit, he complies and begins to slowly charm his way past her defenses. Time spent with Ian is never boring, and Kate soon finds herself falling for the mysterious hacker.

But Ian has enemies, and they’re growing restless. In the hacking world, exploiting a target’s weakness is paramount, and no price is too high to stop an attack. And when Kate learns exactly how much Ian has paid, she’ll discover just how strong her love is for the man who has hacked his way into her heart.

And here’s the cover:


HSH resized

Publication date and pre-order links will be up soon. To add Heart-Shaped Hack to your Goodreads shelves, click here.

Please swing by my Facebook author page to enter the giveaway for a digital ARC!

Happy Friday, everybody!













Dream A Little Dream

  • May 7, 2015

Hello, everyone!

Today I’d like to talk about the inspiration for my latest novel. I’d mentioned on my Facebook author page late last fall that my next project was going to be a second-chance romance called The Girl He Used to Know, loosely inspired by the song “Same Auld Lang Syne” by Dan Fogelberg (the one about running into your old lover at the grocery store on Christmas Eve).

I’d already done quite a bit of research for this book. I’d written the synopsis, and I had a word document full of notes.

I was very excited about writing this book.

I’m still very excited about writing this book.

But that’s not the book I ended up writing.

Sometime during the early morning hours of October 2nd a book idea came to me in a dream. I woke before my alarm and I remember lying there just thinking about it. The dream itself was weird and didn’t make sense, and I couldn’t really remember the specifics. But the idea part was very vivid.

And I was all, “Whaaaaat is going on here???”

But I went downstairs, poured myself a cup of coffee, and opened a new word document. I typed in one sentence that summed up the book idea, saved it, and went about my day, preparing to really get down to business on drafting The Girl He Used to Know. 

But later that afternoon I started making notes for the dream book. And once I started I didn’t stop until I had about 5,000 words. I had a loose outline, scraps of dialogue, and whole scenes. I’d named the main characters. Everything was kind of a blur and I almost couldn’t type fast enough to keep up with the ideas that were pouring from my brain.

I told my husband I felt very conflicted. I always know what I’m going to write next, and it felt wrong to change my mind.

I’m a planner. I don’t wing anything.

But I decided there was no harm in spending a few weeks with this idea to see what would happen, and that’s what I did.

I ended up falling for the characters. I liked each of them separately and I loved their lively banter. They made me laugh. I felt like I had a front-row seat in their world and they were showing me their story. I sent the first sixty pages to a few trusted friends and their excited feedback and enthusiasm inspired me to keep going. It’s an adult contemporary romance, and I always felt really happy when I was working on this book. It’s lighter than Every Time I Think of You, and I really needed that. For the most part, the two main characters are together on every page. I haven’t done that since On the Island.

Tomorrow I’ll be revealing the cover and blurb so I hope you’ll stop by and take a look. I’ll be using the rafflecopter flash giveaway app to select one winner who will receive a digital ARC (as soon as they’re ready).

Have a great day!







Cherish Cover Reveal!

  • August 3, 2014

Hello, everyone!

I’m so excited to share the cover of Cherish with you today. Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations has once again worked her magic. Isn’t it gorgeous?

*If you haven’t read Covet, consider the rest of this post a spoiler.*

Readers have been asking me for almost a year if Daniel would ever get his own happily-ever-after. For the longest time I wasn’t even really considering it. I didn’t have anything in mind for how I’d want the story to play out, but then an idea hit me pretty hard. Suddenly, Daniel (and Jessie) were all I could think about. I typed furiously, trying to get all my thoughts down so I wouldn’t lose them. I told my husband I wanted to write the story and I outlined it for him when we were in the car (I had a captive audience – he couldn’t escape and had to listen to me ramble on).

So, if you’ve been wondering what happened to Daniel after he was injured in the line of duty, you’ll be able to find out on October 28th. Cherish is a novella-length sequel, not a companion or alternate POV story.

If you adore second-chance romances, Cherish is for you.

Title: Cherish (Covet, #1.5)
Author: Tracey Garvis Graves
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Women’s Fiction/Contemporary Romance

Add Cherish on Goodreads

Fans of Covet by New York Times bestselling author Tracey Garvis Graves will be delighted by this novella-length sequel.


When Daniel Rush wakes up in the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head, the last person he expects to see at his bedside is his ex-wife Jessica. Their marriage disintegrated after the death of their infant son Gabriel, and Daniel gave Jessie what he thought she wanted: the freedom to start over with someone else. But Daniel never updated his emergency contact information, and Jessie is the one who receives the call with the devastating news.

Daniel was Jessie’s one true love. Together since college, Jessie had dreams of raising a family with Daniel, and growing old together. When Gabriel died, Jessie buried those dreams with her beloved son and shut everyone out, including Daniel.

Daniel faces months of grueling rehabilitation and he’s going to need some help. Jessie is the last person anyone expects to volunteer, but this is her one chance to make amends, giving her and Daniel a shot at getting things right this time.

The road to recovery will be long and arduous. But with Jessie leading the way, Daniel just might be able to get his old life back.

Daniel knows how to covet. But can Jessie help him remember how to cherish?

*Please note that this is a novella-length sequel. Reading Covet before Cherish is highly recommended in order to enhance your reading pleasure.


Would you like to pre-order Cherish? Simply click on the highlighted link below. Pre-order links for additional retailers will be coming soon, and I’ll post them as soon as they become available.

Pre-Order Cherish at Amazon

Read Covet, to see where Daniel’s story begins


  • March 8, 2013

Happy Friday, everyone!

I’ve been waiting all week to show you the cover of Covet. I have lots of wonderful people who are participating in the cover reveal, and I’m so excited because they’ll all be posting the image on their blogs this morning. I also want to thank Goodreads for creating the cover reveal event. There are some really fun things going on over there, including the chance to win a galley copy (see links at the bottom of this post for more information).

Here’s the list of amazing bloggers. Please check out their blogs and follow them!

April at
Autumn at
Andrea at
Amy and Melissa at
Jenny and Gitte at
Stephanie at
Rosette at
Tina at
Gina at
Aestas at
Christine at

And now, for the moment I’ve been waiting for. I can’t wait to see this beautiful cover on the shelves of bookstores across the country. I love it and hope you do, too.

And here’s the blurb if you haven’t read it yet:
Covet asks the question: What if the life you wanted, and the woman you fell in love with, belonged to someone else?

Chris and Claire Canton’s marriage is on life support. Downsized during the recession and out of work for a year, Chris copes by retreating to a dark place where no one can reach him, not even Claire. When he’s offered a position that will keep him away from home four nights a week, he dismisses Claire’s concern that time apart could be the one thing their fragile union can’t weather. Their suburban life may look idyllic on the outside, but Claire has never felt so disconnected from Chris, or so lonely.

Local police officer Daniel Rush used to have it all, but now he goes home to an empty house every night. He pulls Claire over during a routine traffic stop, and they run into each other again at the 4th of July parade. When Claire is hired to do some graphic design work for the police department, her friendship with Daniel grows, and soon they’re spending hours together.

Claire loves the way Daniel makes her feel, and the way his face lights up when she walks into the room. Daniel knows that Claire’s marital status means their relationship will never be anything other than platonic. But it doesn’t take long before Claire and Daniel are in way over their heads, and skating close to the line that Claire has sworn she’ll never cross.

Genre: women’s fiction
On sale date, (e-book and hardcover) US and Canada: 9/17/13.
On sale date UK (e-book only): 9/17/13. Trade paperback pub date TBA.
To add Covet to your shelf on goodreads, click here. To enter to win a galley copy, click here. To ask me a question in the goodreads group, click here.
For updates on all things book-related, connect with me on Facebook here.
Let me know what you think of the cover!

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