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I’d like to dedicate this post to Kristi

  • March 18, 2009

We had a great time yesterday! It was beautiful here in Iowa and warm enough for flip flops and short sleeves.

Our home was invaded by leprechauns and Matthew is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that they’ve gone away for another year.

Tom and Amy, Trish, and Kristi joined us for an afternoon of celebrating. I told everyone I wanted to introduce my blog readers to them, via photos, because they’re the people Dave and I spend a lot of our time with. Kristi is the other brunette (besides me), Amy and Tom are sitting next to each other, and Trish (my twin sister) is the other blonde. I think you all know the cute dude with the goatee sitting next to me is Dave.

Kristi mentioned (actually insisted) that she is the most dedicated reader of my blog and I have to agree with her. She is the one who gives me constant feedback via e-mail and by writing on my Facebook wall. She tells others about my blog and always has something nice to say about what I’ve written. She also loves to be mentioned in the blog (even when I told everyone about her throwing up all over my couch).

So, to thank Kristi for her constant and continued cheerleading of my blog, I’d like to share with you my favorite Kristi quotes. Here they are, in no particular order:


“Listen kids, with modern technology there’s no reason why you can’t take a pill now and then.”

“Let’s hug it out.”

“I’m a lover not a fighter.”

“I’ve just got so many thoughts I have to say them right now.”

“Here’s the deal, I just pissed all over myself when I went to the port-a-potty so we can either go home so I can change or you can all be cool and not give me any shit.”

“Jesus Tracey, I’m sorry about your Pottery Barn slipcover. I didn’t know I had such a severe allergy to lime juice.”

Please keep the quotes coming Kristi. You’re always a wonderful addition to any social gathering at my house. And it’s because of you that I use the word “dude” so much.

So, there you have it. Another holiday has come and gone and the high temperature today is about twenty degrees colder than yesterday so I am very thankful we were able to be outside, at least for one day. It will probably snow next week but we’re used to that sort of thing in Iowa.

Today is going to be pretty low key because this leprechaun is tired. I’m going to try to get the offspring to stop fixating on the fact that the leprechauns have gone and try to help them focus on the next holiday.

The Easter bunny will be here soon enough.

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