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The Trade Paperback of Covet Is Available Today!

  • April 29, 2014

Hello, everyone!

Today is the release of the trade paperback of Covet, with theĀ beautiful new cover! Will I be at Target tonight, taking a picture of it on the shelf? You bet I will (plus we’re getting low on paper towels and laundry detergent, so I’ll be there anyway).

Here’s a quick recap of where you can buy it:

Barnes & Noble
Wal-Mart (select stores)
Airport bookstores
Canada – Indigo, Chapters, & Amazon

And don’t forget, the e-book of Covet is still on sale for $5.99 through May 21st.

When Covet was released in hardcover, many of you sent me pictures of yourselves holding the book. I loved these “in the wild” photos and hope you’ll send them again (please direct them to [email protected]). If you do, I’ll send you a signed bookplate created by Bookplate Ink. It will look like this:

A bookplate is a fancy name for a sticker that you can peel off and affix to the inside cover or title page of the book (or wherever you want to put it).

My publisher has decided to up the ante a bit and has generously offered to send a copy of the trade paperback of On the Island (signed by me!) to the first thirty people who send in a picture of themselves with their copy of the trade paperback of Covet. Everyone who sends in a photo after that will also receive a bookplate.

Disclaimers: You do not have to buy anything. This is meant to be along the same lines as last September’s hardcover launch of Covet when I sent out signed bookplates. Basically, if you’ve been planning to buy the trade paperback of Covet and you pick it up sometime in the next week or two, I’d love to see a snapshot of you holding your copy (and you’ll receive a bookplate and signed copy of On the Island).

I will post your pictures on my Facebook author page, so smile pretty. šŸ™‚

Thanks, everyone!!

Covet E-book Sale And Giveaway!

  • April 23, 2014

Hello everyone!

I’m sorry I’ve been missing in action lately. I recently finished writing my newest book and will have some exciting things to share with you in a couple of weeks. But in the meantime, I’m excited to talk about the upcoming release of the trade paperback of Covet. In case you haven’t seen the new cover, here it is:

Isn’t it gorgeous? I wouldn’t have believed that Penguin could top the beautiful concept they came up with for the hardcover edition, but I think they have. I just love it.

The trade paperback will be released on 4/29/14 and will be available at the following retailers:

Barnes & Noble
Wal-Mart (select stores)
Airport bookstores
Canada – Indigo, Chapters, & Amazon

In conjunction with the publication of the trade paperback, the e-book will also be going on sale. From today through May 21st, you can buy the e-book of Covet for $5.99. If you haven’t yet picked it up, now would be a great (and economical) time to do it.

Here are the participating retailers:

Barnes & Noble

I need your help in getting the word out about this e-book sale, so one lucky winner will receive a prize package containing the following items:

Signed copies of the trade paperback of Covet and On the Island

This cute little Marc Jacobs necklace

This Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey (which is my FAVORITE shade)

This awesome blush from Clinique in Berry Pop (which is the last one on the left)Ā 
This Marc Jacobs Dot rollerball perfume

To enter, all you need to do is follow the instruction on the PunchTab giveaway below (and make sure to share your activity on your Facebook timeline). If you win, I do need to be able to verify where you shared the information. This giveaway is open to EVERYONE. I don’t care where you live, I’ll get the prize package to you. The giveaway will run from 8:00 a.m. CST 4/23 through 8:00 a.m. CST 4/25. One winner will be chosen.Ā 


Thanks, everyone!!


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