Covet Galley Giveaway – Day 3!
It’s day three of Covet galley giveaway week!
This giveaway is for US residents only. So if you have a US mailing address, you’re eligible!
And just in case anyone is still wondering, a galley is another name for an ARC which is another name for an advance reader copy. ARCs are bound galleys that are printed in advance of the actual publication. ARCs are sent to the author and also bloggers and reviewers. They will usually have a little sticker or something on the front that says, Advance Reading Copy or Not For Sale or Advance Uncorrected Proof. So there may be typos or spacing issues or other things that will not be a part of the final, printed book. So if you win one, please keep that in mind.
Just like yesterday, the giveaway will run for 24 hours (starting today at 12:00 noon CST). You can earn extra entries by following me on Twitter or liking my Facebook page (but don’t worry if you’ve already done those things. You can still enter the giveaway).
One quick thing I want to mention: Comments are moderated on this blog, so if you leave a comment you might not see it right away. I try to moderate them as quickly as I can, but sometimes I’m away from my computer or phone and can’t do this immediately. I wish I didn’t have to moderate at all, but the spam was getting out of hand.
So remember, today’s giveaway is for US RESIDENTS ONLY.
I’ll be attending a luncheon this afternoon but will announce the international winner when I get home.
Happy Wednesday and good luck!!