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5,000 Likes Giveaway!

  • February 20, 2013

~Update: The winners of the 5K likes giveaway are: Jess Gottschalk Iversen, Jennifer Logan, Maria Voulelis Malaveci, and Jojo Bungenaar. Congratulations! Please e-mail me at [email protected]. I need your postal address and also whether you’d like an Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card. Thank you to everyone who entered. I’ll do it again, I promise!!

I have the best readers ever! I mentioned on Facebook last night that my author page was getting close to 5,000 likes and that as soon as I reached that number, I’d do a giveaway. Less than eight hours later, I hit that milestone (and then some!).

So, here’s what’s up for grabs in today’s giveaway: A signed paperback of On the Island, a Keep Calm and Kiss Anna/T.J. mug (your choice), a bookmark, and a $50 gift card to Amazon OR Barnes & Noble.

If you win, you get all 4 items! And here’s the best part: I’ll pick 4 winners so that means that 4 different people will win all of the above items. It’s a basket of prizes! And as always, this giveaway is open to everyone. I don’t care where you live. If you win, I’ll ship it all to you.

By the way, PunchTab is making me choose something for you to do in order to enter the giveaway. I’ve chosen “like” me on Facebook (but that’s how I got to 5,000 likes so feel free to ignore that step). Or if you haven’t “liked” me yet then feel free to do so. Whatever. Let’s make this as easy as possible.

So enter. Enter right now!

And thank you.

Once again.

For everything.



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