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Fiction Friday – Some More Really Big News

  • June 8, 2012

It has always been a dream of mine to walk into a bookstore, or Target, or Costco and see a book I’d written sitting there on the shelf. I’d probably walk up to it and stare at the pretty cover with my mouth hanging open. Maybe I’d linger in the vicinity and see if anyone else checked it out. If they did, I certainly wouldn’t swoop in and shout, “Hey I wrote that! That’s MY book! Are you going to buy that?” while jumping up and down like a crazy person.

I mean, I probably wouldn’t.


And honestly, I’m eternally grateful for the dream I’m already living. I’ve been incredibly blessed because readers from all over the world are reaching out to me to tell me how they’ve connected with On the Island.  They tell me they’re still thinking about Anna and T.J. days after finishing the book. They say that they’ve recommended the book to their sister or their mother or their friends. I smile every day because I believe I have the best readers an author could ever hope for, and I’m truly humbled by my good fortune.

But sometimes, things get even better. Mind-blowingly, life-changingly better. To the point where you’re not sure what you did to deserve it, but you’re beyond ecstatic and thankful that it’s happening.

Because that long-ago dream is coming true. I am beyond thrilled to announce that On the Island is being published by Plume, an imprint of the Penguin Group. The e-book is available TODAY. You can buy it on Amazon here and Barnes and Noble here. It is also available in the Apple store. The new version contains a letter I wrote to the readers and a wonderful readers guide.

And on July 17th I’ll be able to walk into a bookstore, or Target, or Costco, or anywhere books are sold and see my book on the shelf. I’ll walk up to it and stare at the pretty cover

This pretty cover.  

I’m also incredibly excited to announce that Covet will be released by Dutton – an imprint of the Penguin Group – in hardcover next spring. 

My self-publishing journey has come to an end. It’s been a wild ride and many of you have been with me from the beginning. Your kind words and your support have meant more to me than you’ll ever know, and I can’t stress enough how instrumental you all were in making this happen.
Thank you.

On the Island UK Edition!

  • June 5, 2012
Hello everyone!
I hope your summer is off to a great start! I know the season doesn’t officially begin until later this month, but I’ve already received my first sunburn and enjoyed my first boat ride. As far as I’m concerned, summer has arrived!  
I want to tell you all about a fantastic, wonderful thing that happened across the pond. I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that the UK edition of On the Island will be published by Michael Joseph, an imprint of Penguin.
Look at the beautiful cover!
The UK edition can be purchased on Amazon here (the e-book is on sale now and the paperback is available for pre-order) and WHSmith here. It is also available on iTunes.
I’m very excited because On the Island will be hitting bookstore shelves in the UK later this summer and will eventually make its way to Australia and India. How wonderful is that?
I may need to travel to some of these far away places someday so I can see it for myself, but for now I think I’ll stick to my own backyard 🙂
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