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Obviously There Can’t Be Any More Mommy-Daughter Weekends.

  • July 25, 2011

Dave and Matthew went out of town last weekend leaving Lauren and I home to fend for ourselves. Getting those stinky boys out of the house is always nice, and Lauren and I like to plan special things to do together. Spending time with Lauren is, after all, priceless, and we’re making memories that will last a lifetime.

Holy freaking bleeding wallet.

Lunch at Panera $
Fake eyeglasses (she has about 5 pairs and can probably account for two of them) and big, blingin’ Hello Kitty ring at Claire’s Boutique*
Bunch of hoochie mama clothes semi-inappropriate for eight-year-old at Justice
Take out dinner from Macaroni Grill
Two theater tickets, popcorn, and candy
Quarter for wishing well thingie at the mall (that’s just like throwing money away)$.25

Spending time with my daughter? Priceless.


Okay not really. All those recipts were like bursting out of my wallet. I had to bust out the calculator when we got home just to reconcile my checkbook.

* Oh hi, Claire’s Boutique? Yeah, I’m *not* sorry for almost knocking over that rack of earrings with my ass. Make your freakin’ store bigger or limit the number of middle schoolers wandering around inside. Your choice.

Fiction Friday!

  • July 15, 2011

Happy Fiction Friday everyone! I hope you are all having a delightful day. I will be spending the afternoon preparing for Matthew’s family birthday party that we’re hosting tonight. My baby boy is turning twelve (sniff, sniff). Tomorrow he is having two of his buddies over to spend the night, eat junk food, and watch the movie Paranormal Activity (he has been begging me to let him watch it since last fall). “It’s your nightmare,” I told him. “Just don’t wake me up at 3 a.m. when you’re scared because I will boomerang your butt right back to bed.”

Why yes I am a stellar mom, thanks for asking.

Anyway, as most? some? all of you know, I have decided to self-publish my novel On the Island. I am hoping for a September 1st release and I’m hard at work preparing everything. I will be sending the manuscript to my freelance editor on August 1st, and then I’ll do a final line edit and make sure the formatting is correct. The novel will be available for Nook and Kindle users, plus some other e-reader formats, and in paperback as well.

I wanted to share the image I’ve chosen for my cover. This is an actual beach in the Maldives (which is where my story takes place), and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. Plus my main character has long dark hair (and often wears blue) so it seemed like a no-brainer. I also love the colors.

Here’s a VERY ROUGH mock-up of what it might look like with the title (which needs to be centered properly, and much bigger) and my name. My very awesome friend Penne, who is a graphic designer, is going to help me make sure it looks professional (and not like something I might have, ahem, whipped up on MS Paint), and my super awesome critique partner (who is a traditionally published author) is going to write a blurb for the cover.

So, what do you think? Is it eye-catching? For those of you who have read the manuscript, does it capture the essence of the story? As my friend Elisa and I discussed, it’s not very “stranded on an island” but it does invoke (I hope) the romantic aspect of the story. I think it looks very women’s fiction-y which is super cool since that’s the genre of my book.

Let me know your thoughts if you have a free moment. I’d love to get your input.

Have a great Friday and a great weekend everyone!


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