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The Amusing and Somewhat Alarming Search Phrases People Use That Send Them To This Blog

1. Long dark hair cowgirl in love. I feel compelled to point out, again, that I’m wearing this cowboy hat ironically. I bought it because Trish and I went to that big country mud bash thingie.
2. Marble jar method, is it working?
3. Big boobs Hillbilly Handfishin’.
4. Flashback Friday – Timeline of my spiritual life. Also a bit misleading as I’ve mentioned I’m a current member of the church of “do the right thing”
5. Disney princess porn. Dude, seriously? That’s messed up. And yet, here you go.
6. Funny thoughts from the ‘hood. Self explanatory. I need to meet this person in real life.
7. Pregnant thought she had to poop. Really, Internet? (I didn’t know I was pregnant).
8. Dirty T-shirt party.
9. Get over yourself Kelly Killoren Bensimon
10. crack dip recipe.

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